Glaciers CCI Database

Operated by ENVEO


Welcome to the ESA Glaciers CCI Database website. This website provides access to all products created in the ESA Glaciers CCI project. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the efforts of creating a globally complete and detailed inventory on glaciers for monitoring the impacts of climate change. The Essential Climate Variable (ECV) datasets for glaciers are sorted by category:

Glacier Area/Outlines

Elevation Change by Altimetry

Elevation Change by DEM Differencing

Ice Velocity

This work was funded by ESA within the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Program. If you use this data for publications please cite with a formal citation. For further information please see: ESA Glaciers CCI.

For any questions regarding the project or these datasets please contact:
Dr. Frank Paul, Dept. of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Scientific lead & Project Manager)


INTERNAL DATABASE (for project partners only)

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